Shame on Sen. Bill Nelson’s handlers. They left the poor Senator unattended and he contradicted himself again regarding his position on the confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
First, Nelson declared that he expects to oppose President Trump’s nominee before a nominee was even named. Then last week, Nelson said he would withhold judgment on Kavanaugh until after the two met. But just yesterday Nelson wandered off course yet again by blasting Kavanaugh as a “right-wing extremist.”
This is the latest chapter in Nelson’s increasingly erratic and forgetful behavior, which already includes:
- Flip-flopping on whether a Supreme Court nominee can be confirmed in a president’s first midterm
- Feigning outrage over the separation of children from illegal immigrants despite voting for the bill that authorized the federal government to shelter unaccompanied immigrant children in federal facilities
- Throwing a tantrum over the cancellation of August recess despite previously calling for the cancellation of August recess
- Not knowing what ZTE is after writing to President Trump on ZTE
“We’ll say it for a fifth time – Bill Nelson is losing it and needs to retire. Or his staff should stop leaving the poor man unsupervised.” –SLF Spokesman Chris Pack