NBC Montana reports: “Governor Steve Bullock will head to Texas to join striking United Autoworkers members.” But that’s… not entirely true.
Bullock is leaving Montana for a multi-day fundraising swing through Texas to support his presidential campaign, where he will host high-dollar fundraisers in Dallas (tonight), and Houston (tomorrow). Given the end of the fundraising quarter is fast approaching, visiting striking auto workers in Texas is merely a transparent pretext, not the reason for leaving his job in Montana.
Tickets for both events are selling for up to $2,800 per person.
“Steve Bullock is using striking auto workers as a prop while he clinks glasses with rich donors and pockets their cash. This transparent bait-and-switch goes to show nothing matters to Bullock more than chasing higher office – even at the expense of doing his job at home in Montana.” -SLF Communications Director Jack Pandol