This Sunday, Deborah Ross will attend a meet and greet at the First Baptist Church in Roxboro, North Carolina.
We have no doubt Ross will lead with her recent commentssupporting taxpayer funding of abortions and admitting that if it weren’t for abortion-advocating group Emily’s List, she wouldn’t even have a campaign. Here are Ross’s comments below as reported by Roll Call:
The politics of abortion have shifted for Democratic candidates, too. Deborah Ross, the party’s nominee in heavily evangelical North Carolina, didn’t mince words when asked if she embraced overturning the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funding for most abortions.
“Of course!” said Ross, who has credited EMILY’s List with getting her campaign off the ground. “If there wasn’t an EMILY’s List, I wouldn’t be here right now,” she told Roll Call in March. Day said that she was troubled by reports of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, switching his position on the Hyde amendment.
We can also expect off-her-rocker Ross to proudly boast aboutstrongly supporting late-term abortions and contrast it with her militant opposition to the following:
–Displaying the Ten Commandments
“Deborah Ross’s militant pro-abortion and anti-religion activism would fit right into San Francisco or Manhattan, but not in North Carolina. The fact that Ross admitted that she owes her campaign to a far-left, abortion-promoting special interest group like Emily’s List shows just how out of step she is with North Carolina.” – Senate Leadership Fund Spokesman Ian Prior