Is Maggie Hassan even paying attention?
Asked by the New Hampshire Journal what she would say to Granite Staters who lose their jobs because of Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates, Hassan falsely stated that all employees would have the option to submit to a testing regimen instead of losing their job. That is false.
The New Hampshire Journal points out that many local places of work – including Pease Air Force Base, the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, or the University of New Hampshire will require all employees to be vaccinated under Biden’s mandate for federal workers.
Maggie Hassan declined to comment on why she apparently doesn’t know the details of Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate and how it will affect her constituents, but that’s not good enough.
“Maggie Hassan is either out to lunch or doesn’t care about Granite Staters who will lose their jobs because of Joe Biden’s mandate, and we’re not sure which is worse.” -SLF Communications Director Jack Pandol