Fox News published SLF President Steven Law’s latest op-ed, “Democrats pivot from ‘war on poverty’ to ‘war on prosperity,'” detailing the Democratic Party’s many proposals to punish the success and risk-taking that defines the American Dream.
Fox News: Steven Law: Democrats pivot from ‘war on poverty’ to ‘war on prosperity'”
“Whereas the war on poverty aimed to lift people up, the mood of the Democrats’ new war on prosperity is to pull people down. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., rail against the ‘rich and powerful’ despite being rich and powerful themselves. To them, the risk-taking and success that define the American Dream are economic vices that government must eradicate…
“The problem with the Democrats’ war on prosperity is that it won’t make life better for the have-nots, even if they drag the haves down to the same level. ‘In socialism, the rich will be poorer – but the poor will also be poorer,’ said Thomas Peterffy, who fled the deadening hand of government in his native Hungary for a new life in America. More stifling regulation, less private investment and less incentive to work hard and save would leach prosperity away from our country. That would hurt not just the wealthy but also the middle class.
“Democrats don’t like the ‘socialist’ label but that’s where their anti-prosperity policies would take us. Fifty-five years ago, Democrats launched an ambitious war on poverty. It was a costly failure. In 2020, Americans will get to vote on whether the Democrats’ war on prosperity should be allowed to succeed. We can’t risk giving them that chance.”
Read the full Fox News op-ed here.