For years Maggie Hassan voted like the open-borders liberal she is, setting the conditions for the chaos at the border. Hassan voted to cancel the border wall, against the Remain in Mexico policy, and against punishing sanctuary cities. Apparently her progressive activist voters thought they could count on her.
But it’s an election year, and Hassan has belatedly figured out that being identified with a spiraling humanitarian crisis at the border is a bad look. Unfortunately for her, New Hampshire progressive activists aren’t happy about it.
WMUR: Latino activists, lawmakers express outrage toward Sen. Hassan’s southern border visit
Rep. Maria Perez (D-Milford): “We try to do the best we can to get the members of our community to support her and vote for her, and what she did is like a slap in the face for my community.”
Eva Castillo, Director of the New Hampshire Alliance for Immigrants & Refugees: “I’m disappointed – no I’m beyond disappointed. I’m upset that she took the time to do this and to make a video out of it, and to use us immigrants as political pawns for an election.”
Grab the popcorn – will Maggie continue her politically-motivated charade or bow to the pressure from leftists?