Just one month after President Trump’s inauguration, Mark Warner told The New Yorker that his investigation attempting to tie the President to Russia “may very well be the most important thing I do in my public life.”
For the last two years, Warner has continually pushed the collusion conspiracy on the Sunday show circuit, enjoying the fawning and adulation of the pundit class. As recently as March 3, Warner stated he had found “enormous amounts of evidence” of collusion between President Trump and the Russians.
Say again?
Robert Mueller’s report has exposed Warner’s posturing as a baseless political smear job. Wonder what Warner’s constituents in Virginia think about him ignoring them for the past two years for this?
“Robert Mueller’s report exposed Mark Warner for pushing conspiracy theories at the expense of his own constituents. We intend to hold Warner accountable for his virtue signaling, putting his career as a television pundit ahead of the needs of Virginians.” -SLF Communications Director Jack Pandol