Today the Sacramento Bee reported that Congressman Ami Bera’s father Babulal has been charged by the US Attorney with soliciting straw donations for his son’s congressional campaigns and is likely to plead guilty today.
What does this have to do with Patrick Murphy? We’re glad you asked.
First, Patrick Murphy’s Senate campaign received $5,000 from Babulal on June 27, 2015. So will Murphy return this tainted cash?
Second, in 2014 the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the Murphy family and the Bera family were involved in a controversial donor swap scheme. Specifically, Babulal donated $5200 to Murphy and, in return, Patrick’s mother Leslie Murphy donated $5200 to Ami Bera.
Lastly, and perhaps coincidentally, Ami Bera’s campaign manager in 2012 is currently managing Patrick Murphy’s Senate campaign.
Something tells us this won’t be the last you hear about this . . .
“Once again, Patrick Murphy’s shady campaign finances are coming into question. Not only has he taken thousands from a criminal defendant who has been federally charged with soliciting straw donations, but Murphy’s own parents were involved in a shady donor swap scheme with the accused.” – Senate Leadership Fund Spokesman Ian Prior