Patrick Murphy’s family fortune may not be able to buy him love in the polls, but it sure has bought him some big time influence in the Democrat establishment.
Today, Barack Obama endorsed Murphy and we’re sure that will be widely reported. But what should also be reported is the fact that Patrick’s Republican parents donated $111,200 to Obama’s campaigns/victory funds in 2008 and 2012.
Did those major donations have anything to do with Obama endorsing Murphy? It’s a question that needs to be addressed.
And while we’re at it, here are some other questions:
1. Did a $33,400 donation from Patrick Murphy’s father get Harry Reid to move on Alan Grayson?
“Patrick Murphy should write a book and title it ‘How to Use Your Parents’ Money to Buy Endorsements and Influence Politicians.’ Unfortunately for Murphy, all the endorsements his parents have bought for him haven’t given him an ounce of substance and haven’t helped him get within ten points of Alan Grayson.” – Senate Leadership Fund Spokesman, Ian Prior