Heidi Heitkamp was called out today by the Associated Press for falsely claiming that 300,000 North Dakotans with pre-existing conditions would lose their health care if Obamacare were repealed. But despite being chastised for her false political attack, Heitkamp used her taxpayer-funded office e-newsletter to repeat the lie this afternoon:
“Without affordable health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions, over 300,000 North Dakotans like Karalee, Annelise, Chris, and Sam could lose access to affordable health care or see their premiums skyrocket.”
You can view an online version of her email HERE.
“Heidi Heitkamp is using taxpayer-funded resources through her official e-newsletter to repeat her campaign’s discredited attack on Kevin Cramer. While it’s disappointing that Heitkamp has become a partisan liberal in Washington, it’s shocking to see her cross over ethical lines to try to prop up her floundering campaign.” -Senate Leadership Fund Spokesman Chris Pack