Last week the AP released an explosive new investigation showing how the Democrats’ “American Rescue Plan” – billed as life-saving COVID relief spending – is being spent on wasteful projects that have nothing to do with fighting the pandemic.
Here’s a look at how it’s playing in local news stations across the country. WPLG in South Florida reports on the AP’s finding $140 million was spent on building a luxury hotel in Broward County instead of funding COVID relief under the ARP: “Sounds pretty much like smoke and mirrors but apparently it is legal.”
Not only did every single Senate Democrat vote *for* the American Rescue Plan, every single Senate Democrat voted against an amendment from Senator Romney to limit payments from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund to “necessary expenditures… due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.” The amendment failed on a party-line vote, allowing wasteful projects in the AP report – like this $140 million luxury hotel – to move forward.
And as WPLG notes, even though it’s an outrageous abuse of what Democrats sold as “COVID relief” – “apparently it is legal.”
This is worth keeping in mind as Democrats demand billions more in new COVID funding this month: what other pork barrel projects could they have in mind?