This afternoon, Cal Cunningham held his first press conference since a veteran’s wife came forward to confirm she had a months-long affair with him while he was a Senate candidate.
Cunningham’s campaign limited questions from the press to only ten minutes, and muted reporters’ microphones after asking questions to avoid follow-ups.
Cunningham declined FOUR SEPARATE TIMES to elaborate whether there are more women who could come forward in the coming weeks.
Translation: there are absolutely more women Cunningham has had affairs with who could come forward with more details about his personal life.
This raises a multitude of questions, like:
- How many other women has Cal had affairs with?
- Did the other affairs occur simultaneously with his relationship with Arlene Guzman Todd, meaning they took place while he was an active Senate candidate?
- Were campaign funds used in the furtherance of any of these relationships, opening Cunningham up to trouble with the Federal Election Commission?
- Were any of these relationships subject to the UCMJ, further implicating Cunningham in Army honor code investigations like the one opened into his conduct this week?