SLF President Steven Law penned a new op-ed, “The media-driven myth of ‘centrist’ Joe Biden,” in the Washington Examiner, providing a roadmap for Republican messaging this fall & demonstrating the Democratic Party has fallen captive to its progressive base.
Who is really winning the Democrats’ presidential nomination fight? The liberals.
While the media keeps spinning a tale of “centrists” and “liberals” duking it out for control of the Democratic Party, the truth is that the party’s center of gravity has shifted so far left that they will now nominate the most liberal major party candidate in American history.
That was plainly true when it seemed socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was ascendant, but will also be true of so-called centrist Joe Biden, whose own campaign is publicly touting an agenda that is “dramatically to the left of traditional Democratic policy platforms…”
Sanders does not have to mount an against-all-odds comeback for the Democratic Party to nominate the most left-wing candidate in its history. The party’s radical base has already won the battle of ideas. This is not your father’s Joe Biden. This is a candidate who has been fully captured by a political party that has been overrun by hard-left liberals.
So when the media calls Biden a “centrist,” don’t buy it. There are no centrists left in this Democratic primary, just different shades of the same liberal hue.
Read the entire op-ed by SLF President Steven Law here.