There are hypocrites, shameless hypocrites, and then there is Garland Tucker. A new report this morning outlines how Tucker made his money – by lobbying Congress in support of the Obama stimulus bill, resulting in skyrocketing pay for himself after the bill’s passage.
RealClearPolitics: Obama Stimulus Shadows Tillis-Tucker Senate Race in N.C.
Now, Tucker is taking the same money he made from the increased taxpayer-funded government loan limits he lobbied for in the Obama stimulus and funding attack advertisements decrying wasteful government spending. Hypocrite much?
What we now know about hypocrite Garland Tucker’s taxpayer-funded business record:
- Tucker’s business, Triangle Capital, lobbied for the stimulus package that increased caps on Small Business Administration loans from $137.5 million to $225 million.
- As a direct result of the stimulus’ passage, Triangle Capital increased the amount of SBA loans on its books to $250 million.
- After the Obama stimulus’ passage, Tucker’s personal salary increased from $1 million in 2009 to $3.7 million in 2016, before he ended his tenure with the company.
- Tucker has loaned his campaign $1.25 million to fund attack ads decrying a lack of “backbone” in cutting spending. He has called the federal debt “immoral.”
“Garland Tucker is perfectly fine allowing hardworking taxpayers to foot the bill for massive, debt-increasing spending bills – so long as their money ends up in his pockets. Garland Tucker is a charlatan whose every pious word about government spending stands in direct conflict with the way he has run his business and campaign.” -SLF Communications Director Jack Pandol