At a rally in Texas today, Senator Bernie Sanders doubled down on restoring voting rights for felons, violent criminals, and terrorists:
“I think that every American citizen, because of their citizenship, should have the right to vote, even if they are in jail… I was roundly criticized for this, but you know what, once you begin taking away somebody’s right to vote it’s a slippery slope.”
According to Democrat frontrunner Sanders, Nidal Hasan – the Fort Hood shooter on death row who killed 13 innocent and unarmed people in what was then called “the worst act of terrorism on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001” – should be allowed to vote in the 2020 elections.
Texas Democrats Joaquin Castro and MJ Hegar need to be heard on whether they agree with Sanders’ policy — reiterated just a few hours’ drive away from where the terrorist shooting occurred — and whether they will support him if he is the Democrats’ nominee next year.
Their silence would be a tacit admission they agree that terrorists should vote – and they will be held accountable for it.